Supercharge your Kubernetes

With KubeStrap, master the art of infrastructure deployment: seamlessly scale, fortify security, and launch your services in a flash.

$100 off for a limited time!

Bootstrapping cloud infra sucks.

    Building solid infrastructure doesn't happen overnight. When you're juggling business priorities and tons of design decisions, taking shortcuts might seem tempting, but it's guaranteed to land you some hefty tech debt.

  • So, you've dabbled in building cloud infra without IaC. No biggie, right? Well, not quite. Many teams discover down the line that what was manageable at first has turned into significant tech debt.
  • Navigating through the array of Ingress options, Load Balancer types, Kubernetes APIs, and TLS termination conundrums can be confusing, to say the least. The design choices here affect the availability of your services.
  • TLS certs can be quite the hassle, needing manual attention and all. Plus, there's nothing like the rush of an expired cert on your homepage to spice things up a bit, right?
  • Lots of teams are forced to decide between security and speed. It can be tough to put security first, especially when there's pressure to move fast.

Build production infra with KubeStrap  in minutes

Hey there! 👋 We get it, navigating the Cloud and Kubernetes world can feel like walking through a minefield. That's why we've poured our Cloud and Kubernetes know-how into one sweet product.

Say goodbye to endless setup headaches and hello to getting your production infrastructure sorted from day one. Now you can spend your time where it matters most – building your dream product and delighting your users – instead of wrestling with cloud APIs.

Product Demo

Get features built by industry experts

IaCGitOpsDNS/TLSNetworkingService Meshand more...


  • Terraform IaC that is organized by cloud vendor
  • Easy to modify, augment, or incorporate into existing IaC
  • Implements production configs and best-practices
  • Time saved: a few days


Go to production in minutes!


Perfect for getting started




  • KubeStrap GitHub Repository Access
  • Documentation, architecture diagrams
  • Chat Support

Pay once. Access forever.

Updated: 2 days ago


Full-service solution with lifetime updates




  • Everything in 'Basic' plus...
  • Releases and Bug Fixes
  • Feature Requests
  • GitHub Issues support
  • Lifetime Access

Pay once. Access forever.

Interested in professional services?

Sign up to discover how we can help you tackle your infrastructure challenges head-on.


Frequently Asked Questions

  • KubeStrap is a source code repository. If you purchased the Premium package you get lifetime access to the repository, which includes upstream releases. After successful payment processing, access to the repo and docs are granted and a welcome email is sent. If you purchase the Basic package, you get temporary access (1 week) to KubeStrap's GitHub repo. You must either download, clone or fork the repo in that time.
  • Well, it's all yours! ... With a little help from your upstream repository, KubeStrap. This setup hits the sweet spot for many teams. They want to keep ownership of their infrastructure but aren't keen on diving deep into Kubernetes and Cloud/Cloud Native tech for weeks on end. And who can blame them? KubeStrap is the solution that's designed right from the get-go, letting you tap into the wisdom of SMEs while keeping a tight grip on your infrastructure.

  • AWS/EKS, GCP/GKE, Terraform, Flux, Istio Ingress/Mesh, External DNS, Cert Manager, Let's Encrypt, SOPS, InfraCost, Trivy, Pre-commit. And the usual suspects Kustomize, Helm, GitHub.

  • To download/clone/fork KubeStrap, yes. To use KubeStrap, yes, for now. Why? The GitOps feature implemented with KubeStrap currently supports GitHub. If you need BitBucket or GitLab support, please use the chat box on this page to request a new feature.

  • After you've got access to the repo, KubeStrap is yours forever, so it can't be refunded. But rest assured, any bugs or defects with the product will be resolved. See the product demo before purchasing to make sure KubeStrap will work for you.

  • You can expect a regular release cadence for upgrades, patches and vulnerabilities, unless there is a high/critical CVE (these will be released ASAP). Releases for feature requests happen as needed. Sometimes, we may introduce a new feature or tool as a non-breaking change.

  • Great question! The KubeStrap infrastructure was built with years of industry best-practice experience and a CKA (Certified Kubernetes Administrator) who have experience managing large, dynamic clusters with high throughput. KubeStrap was built to meet a need in software organizations that require reliable, secure, sustainable, and cost-effective architectures. Please see the demo and feel free to message support with any questions.

  • The Basic package offers chat support. Premium users can use Chat support or GitHub Issues for feature requests/bug fixes, or general support (recommended)

  • Great! Please use the chat box to ask.