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Identity Federation

IAM Roles for Service Accounts (IRSA) - AWS

IAM Roles for Service Accounts (IRSA) is a valuable tool for Kubernetes clusters running on AWS, facilitating the assignment of AWS permissions to applications. IRSA enables pods to assume IAM roles directly, offering precise permission management and seamless integration with AWS services.

Key Features:

  • Granular Access Control: IRSA allows the assignment of IAM roles to pods or namespaces individually, ensuring precise access control.
  • Secure AWS Access: Pods securely interact with AWS services using temporary credentials from IAM roles, mitigating security risks.
  • Automated Credential Management: IRSA automates credential rotation, ensuring that pods always have up-to-date access without manual intervention.

Workload Identity (WLI) - GCP

Workload Identity (WLI) is a solution tailored for Kubernetes clusters hosted on Google Cloud Platform (GCP), enabling secure access to GCP services by associating Kubernetes service accounts with GCP service accounts.

Key Features:

  • Fine-Grained Access Control: WLI allows the linkage of Kubernetes service accounts to specific GCP service accounts, restricting access to only necessary resources.
  • Automated Identity Management: WLI simplifies identity management by automatically handling service account credentials, ensuring secure communication between Kubernetes workloads and GCP services.
  • Seamless Integration with GCP IAM: WLI seamlessly integrates with GCP IAM policies, enabling administrators to define access controls using familiar IAM tools.

IAM Roles for Service Accounts (IRSA) and Workload Identity (WLI) provide secure and efficient identity federation solutions for Kubernetes clusters on AWS and GCP. They streamline access to cloud services while maintaining robust security practices.