Dependency Information
Cloud Provider (AWS or GCP)
- Active Account with Elevated Permissions: Ensures necessary privileges for resource provisioning and management.
- No Restricted Quotas: Avoids limitations on resource usage, ensuring smooth deployment and scaling. (New GCP accounts may be subject to restrictions)
- kustomize: Simplifies Kubernetes resource management, enhancing flexibility. Installation Documentation
- terraform: Enables automated provisioning and management of cloud resources. Installation Documentation
- aws or gcloud: Provides command-line access to cloud services for seamless interaction. AWS CLI Installation Documentation / Google Cloud SDK Installation Documentation
- sops: Ensures security by encrypting sensitive data within configurations. Installation Documentation
- kubectl: Facilitates Kubernetes cluster administration and deployment. Installation Documentation
- pre-commit: Automates code quality checks before committing changes. Installation Documentation
- flux: Automates Kubernetes deployments, aligning with version-controlled configurations. Installation Documentation
- jq: Facilitates JSON data manipulation in command-line tools. Installation Documentation
- make: Facilitates JSON data manipulation in command-line tools. Installation Documentation
Almost all of these (not fluxcd, aws or gcloud) can be installed via brew i.e.
brew install
Pre-commit Dependencies
- terraform-docs: Installation Documentation
- tflint: Installation Documentation
- trivy: Installation Documentation
- infracost: Installation Documentation
GitHub Token for Flux
- Admin Token: GitHub token used by FluxCD for managing repositories and deployments.
Kubernetes Client Console/UI
- Lens: Installation Documentation
- k9s: Installation Documentation
- kdash: Installation Documentation