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Quickstart Tutorial

This tutorial provides a walkthrough of the KubeStrap platform. It should take ~10 minutes to get your local repo set up, and about 15 minutes for AWS or GCP to provision your infrastructure.

Getting Started

  1. Fork the repo here

    Note: you must fork for the bootstrap to work

  2. Clone your forked repo to local
  3. From the root of your cloned repo execute ./util/ to check for existence of KubeStrap's dependencies

    For any missing dependencies see dependencies


For the rest of the tutorial you'll need to auth to your cloud provider: AWS or GCP

Going to Production in minutes

Create the Terraform backend config

  1. Execute one of these:
    • AWS: ./util/
    • GCP: ./util/
  2. AWS Only: Update the profile param in aws/

If you have a backend config already just update <provider>/

Create a .tfvars file

Create a .tfvars file in the aws or gcp directory and deploy the podinfo app. Replace values as necessary.

aws/.tfvars or gcp/.tfvars
domain                 = ""
admin_instance_enabled = false
sops_kms_enabled = false
enable_flux_bootstrap = true
github_repo_branch = "main"
github_repo = "kubestrap"

# Replace these
github_org = "YOUR_ORG"
github_token = "YOUR_TOKEN"
cert_admin_email = "YOUR_ADMIN_EMAIL"

Need help setting up a GitHub Token?

Append this for AWS

aws_profile = "YOUR_AWS_PROFILE"

Append this for GCP

billing_account = "******-******-******"
project_id = "YOUR_PROJECT_ID"

Have your own domain? Read this

Create your Cloud Infra using Terraform


For AWS: be sure to export AWS_PROFILE or set profile in (recommended)

From the aws or gcp directory:

terraform init && terraform apply --var-file .tfvars -auto-approve

This step can take up to 15 minutes and has successfully created your cloud infra and bootstrapped the cluster with FluxCD. It also created .kubeconfig and (optionally) .sops.yaml

To persist changes commit and push Note: .tfvars is git ignored.

At this point, some of your cluster apps are broken! Fix them:

  1. Pull Flux's changes from the remote repo
  2. Execute
    • ./cluster/manifest-aws/ or
    • ./cluster/manifest-gcp/
  3. Commit and push the patched files to the remote branch specified in .tfvars parameter github_repo_branch

This only needs to be done once


It will take several minutes for your cluster to boot up for the first time. Use your favorite Kubernetes client to view LoadBalancer IP provisioning, node autoscaling, and pod readiness before beginning this step. Or wait, like 5 minutes.

  1. Fetch your Context and Istio Ingress Hostname


    # cd aws
    export CONTEXT=$(kubectl --kubeconfig .kubeconfig config get-contexts -o name)
    export INGRESS_HOST=$(kubectl --kubeconfig .kubeconfig --context $CONTEXT get svc -n istio-ingress -o json | jq -r '.items.[0].status.loadBalancer.ingress[0].hostname')


    # cd gcp
    export CONTEXT=$(kubectl --kubeconfig .kubeconfig config get-contexts -o name)
    export INGRESS_HOST=$(kubectl --kubeconfig .kubeconfig --context $CONTEXT get svc -n istio-ingress -o json | jq -r '.items.[0].status.loadBalancer.ingress[0].ip')
  2. Curl your website!

    curl -H http://$INGRESS_HOST

If you have a registered domain, see DNS docs to set it up


To destroy gracefully, follow these steps

  1. GCP only: The only way to delete KMS keys in GCP is to delete the project. Drop the key from state to avoid error on delete
    terraform state rm 'module.sops_kms[0].google_kms_crypto_key.key[0]'
  2. Terraform Destroy
    terraform destroy -var-file .tfvars -auto-approve
  3. Delete state bucket via console or cli


You have successfully created your production infrastructure in minutes with KubeStrap. What's next?


Generating a GitHub token for FluxCD

For accessing the GitHub API, the boostrap command requires a GitHub personal access token (PAT) with administration permissions.

See: Guthub How-To